Grease Release: Cuts Through Oil, Fats And Grease To Make Your Home Or Office ‘Squeaky Clean’!

I know you have heard or seen many products with outrageous claims of being able to clean ‘everything under the sun’. I understand your cynicism and respect it. All I can say is that we use Grease Release for all our clean-up work. We would not use anything else BECAUSE nothing else works well.

The reason this product is shown here is because our residential, commercial and industrial clients wanted to know what we use to clean up after the damage we deal with – and believe me – we have ‘seen it all’…!

Benefits of Grease Release:

  • Food safe and environmentally friendly. Food safe means there are no toxic residues that can contaminate the food chain. This is imperative for restaurants, cafes and other food product manufacturers.
  • Cleans greasy surfaces quickly and easily. Whether they are at home in your kitchen, laundry room, work area, garage or in a restaurant, cafe, butchery, chicken or pizza shop. Grease Release works wonders with all the spills you can come up with!
  • Prevents slippery floors. You know how hard it is to get oil, fat and grease off a floor surface, no matter how much you scrub there is always that slimy film left that makes the floor dangerous. Not anymore with Grease Release!
  • Massive reduction in grease traps. If you are around grease a lot, you know how annoying it is when it gets trapped and clogs pipes and other crevasses. Grease Release prevents the build up making cleaning much less of a chore.
  • Brings your greasy BBQ back to life. If you have been avoiding having friends and family over for a BBQ because your BBQ is too filthy, within minutes your BBQ will look like new‚ do not forget Grease Release is FOOD SAFE which is a MUST for anything that comes in contact with food!
  • Saves cleaning time. Grease Release makes cleaning quick and easy that is why we use it. Time is money and we need to get in and out as quickly as we can.
  • Use in cold water – save on energy bills. The Lone Drainer And Pronto! is a very strong advocate of energy efficiency as well as environmentally friendly products. Grease Release is just as effective with cold water, reducing the need to use hot water to remove oil, fat and grime. Because cold water is faster to use (no need to keep adding hot water) it just makes more sense.
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