
Flexible Water Connections and Insurance claims.

G’day, Sydney homeowners! It’s The Lone Drainer and Pronto here, back with a crucial message that could save you from unexpected financial setbacks. We’ve been plumbing superheroes for years, and today we’re here to talk about a growing issue – home insurance claims being denied due to a lack of periodic plumbing checks on braided stainless steel hoses.

You might be thinking, “What’s the fuss about insurance claims and plumbing checks?” Well, let us break it down for you.

In recent times, we’ve seen an alarming trend in the insurance industry, with some companies rejecting water damage claims because homeowners haven’t had licensed plumbers carry out periodic checks on these braided stainless steel hoses. It’s becoming a ticking time bomb for homeowners, and here’s why you should take it seriously:

  1. Insurance Denials: If your plumbing hasn’t been regularly inspected by a licensed plumber, your home insurance provider may use that as a reason to deny your claim in the event of water damage. That means you’ll be left to cover the expenses out of your own pocket.
  2. Preventable Disasters: Bursting hoses are a leading cause of water damage in homes. Periodic checks by licensed professionals can identify weak hoses before they burst, preventing potential disasters and costly repairs.
  3. Safety and Peace of Mind: Regular plumbing checks not only safeguard your home but also ensure your family’s safety. Water damage can lead to health hazards like mold and mildew, which pose risks to your loved ones. Knowing your plumbing is in good shape brings peace of mind.

So, what can you do to avoid these insurance claim rejections and protect your home and family?

  1. Schedule Regular Plumbing Checks: Ensure you have a licensed plumber inspect your flexible water connections periodically. This simple step can save you from potential financial losses.
  2. Document the Inspections: Keep records of these inspections, including the plumber’s report, to provide proof to your insurance company in case of a claim.
  3. Stay Proactive: Don’t wait until a disaster strikes. Regular maintenance and checks can prevent costly plumbing emergencies.

At The Lone Drainer and Pronto, we understand the importance of periodic plumbing checks. Our licensed professionals are ready to help you safeguard your home and keep your insurance claims secure. Don’t let your hard-earned money slip away due to a technicality – be proactive and ensure your plumbing is in top-notch condition. We’re here to assist you every step of the way!

World Water Day 2024

Living in Sydney Australia we have water on tap.

Fresh water to drink. Clean water to cook with. Even fresh clean drinking water to flush the toilet.

And, if we don’t, we have great plumbers like The Lone Drainer and Pronto to find out why, and return the status quo.

If you didn’t know, March 22nd 2024 is World Water Day. Its a day to consider the billions of people worldwide who have never had potable water dispensed from a tap.

So, how does that affect you dear reader? Well it doesn’t!

Unless we are to venture to parts of Asia, Africa and some parts of Australia and the Americas and the oceans in between us for exotic getaways where the local residents just don’t have fresh water to use the way that we do.

There are several things we can do to draw attention to the plight of those who don’t have access to fresh drinking water:

  1. Share information: Spread the word about the global water crisis by sharing information about it with your friends, family, and social media networks. Raise awareness about the issue and the impact it has on people’s lives.
  2. Support organizations: There are many organizations that work to provide clean water to people in need. Consider supporting these organizations by making a donation or volunteering your time to help with their efforts.
  3. Advocate for change: Write to your local representatives and urge them to support policies that prioritize access to clean water. Use your voice to advocate for change and push for action on this critical issue.
  4. Reduce your own water consumption: By conserving water in your daily life, you can help reduce the demand for freshwater resources and lessen the strain on those who don’t have access to it.
  5. Take action on World Water Day: Participate in events and activities that are organized around World Water Day to draw attention to the issue and show your support for those who are affected by the global water crisis.

By working together to raise awareness about the issue of water scarcity, we can help ensure that everyone has access to this basic human right.

Flexible Water Connections and Insurance claims.

G’day, Sydney homeowners! It’s The Lone Drainer and Pronto here, back with a crucial message that could save you from unexpected financial setbacks. We’ve been plumbing superheroes for years, and today we’re here to talk about a growing issue – home insurance claims being denied due to a lack of periodic plumbing checks on braided stainless steel hoses.

You might be thinking, “What’s the fuss about insurance claims and plumbing checks?” Well, let us break it down for you.

In recent times, we’ve seen an alarming trend in the insurance industry, with some companies rejecting water damage claims because homeowners haven’t had licensed plumbers carry out periodic checks on these braided stainless steel hoses. It’s becoming a ticking time bomb for homeowners, and here’s why you should take it seriously:

  1. Insurance Denials: If your plumbing hasn’t been regularly inspected by a licensed plumber, your home insurance provider may use that as a reason to deny your claim in the event of water damage. That means you’ll be left to cover the expenses out of your own pocket.
  2. Preventable Disasters: Bursting hoses are a leading cause of water damage in homes. Periodic checks by licensed professionals can identify weak hoses before they burst, preventing potential disasters and costly repairs.
  3. Safety and Peace of Mind: Regular plumbing checks not only safeguard your home but also ensure your family’s safety. Water damage can lead to health hazards like mold and mildew, which pose risks to your loved ones. Knowing your plumbing is in good shape brings peace of mind.

So, what can you do to avoid these insurance claim rejections and protect your home and family?

  1. Schedule Regular Plumbing Checks: Ensure you have a licensed plumber inspect your flexible water connections periodically. This simple step can save you from potential financial losses.
  2. Document the Inspections: Keep records of these inspections, including the plumber’s report, to provide proof to your insurance company in case of a claim.
  3. Stay Proactive: Don’t wait until a disaster strikes. Regular maintenance and checks can prevent costly plumbing emergencies.

At The Lone Drainer and Pronto, we understand the importance of periodic plumbing checks. Our licensed professionals are ready to help you safeguard your home and keep your insurance claims secure. Don’t let your hard-earned money slip away due to a technicality – be proactive and ensure your plumbing is in top-notch condition. We’re here to assist you every step of the way!

51 Reasons to Love Your Plumber

Last week we made another blood donation at the LifeBlood mobile donor caravan at Coogee Oval.

During a few moments of contemplation while some of the good stuff was taken from my left arm, I had this realisation.

Its nearly September 30th 2023, and with the Australian summer and the Christmas holiday season and the end of the year only 92 days away, here’s 50 more reasons to love your plumber:

  1. Punctuality: They respect your time by arriving on schedule.
  2. Friendly Demeanor: A pleasant attitude makes interactions more enjoyable.
  3. Professionalism: Plumbers conduct themselves with professionalism in all dealings.
  4. Accountability: They take responsibility for their work and any issues that arise.
  5. Communication: Good plumbers communicate clearly and effectively.
  6. Accessibility: You can easily reach them when you need assistance.
  7. Emergency Preparedness: Plumbers are equipped to handle urgent situations.
  8. Efficiency: They work quickly without sacrificing quality.
  9. Upfront Pricing: Many plumbers provide cost estimates before starting work.
  10. Experience with Older Homes: We’re skilled in working with older plumbing systems.
  11. Thorough Inspections: Plumbers inspect your plumbing system thoroughly to identify hidden issues.
  12. Innovative Solutions: They offer creative solutions to unique plumbing challenges.
  13. Flexibility in Scheduling: Accommodating your schedule is a priority.
  14. Friendly Advice: Plumbers give helpful tips for maintaining your plumbing.
  15. Transparent Billing: Clear invoices break down the cost of services.
  16. Courteousness: They treat your home with respect and politeness.
  17. Clean Appearance: A professional appearance instills confidence. Could need a haircut.
  18. Availability for Questions: We’re happy to answer your plumbing-related queries.
  19. Waste Removal: Proper disposal of old parts and waste is their responsibility.
  20. Quality Materials: They use high-quality materials for repairs and installations.
  21. Flexible Payment Options: Some plumbers offer payment plans or financing.
  22. Licensed and Certified: Qualified plumbers have the necessary licenses and certifications.
  23. Hassle-Free Repairs: We’ll handle all aspects of the repair process.
  24. Adherence to Safety Standards: Safety is a top priority on the job.
  25. Respect for Your Property: Plumbers take precautions to avoid damage during work.
  26. Protection for Your Flooring: They use protective coverings to keep your floors clean.
  27. Genuine Care: Good plumbers genuinely care about your plumbing issues.
  28. Problem Diagnosis: They accurately diagnose the root causes of plumbing problems.
  29. Longevity of Repairs: Repairs are done to last, saving you money over time.
  30. Insurance Claims Assistance: We can help with insurance claims for plumbing-related damage.
  31. Energy Efficiency Tips: Plumbers provide advice on reducing energy consumption.
  32. Dependability: You can rely on them for consistent quality work.
  33. Customization: Tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.
  34. Water Pressure Optimization: We ensure your water pressure is just right.
  35. Versatility: Plumbers handle a wide range of plumbing problems.
  36. Accessibility Features: They can install accessible plumbing fixtures if needed.
  37. Aesthetics: Attention to detail in installations for an aesthetically pleasing result.
  38. Project Management: Coordinating the multiple aspects of some plumbing projects.
  39. Prepared for Unforeseen Issues: They’re ready for unexpected challenges.
  40. Emergency Prevention: Plumbers help prevent plumbing emergencies.
  41. Eco-Friendly Practices: Some plumbers focus on green plumbing solutions.
  42. Prompt Response to Inquiries: Quick responses to your calls or messages.
  43. Family-Owned Businesses: Supporting local, family-owned plumbing businesses.
  44. Community Involvement: Some plumbers do unseen work in the community.
  45. Clear Documentation: Detailed records of services provided.
  46. Consistency in Quality: Reliable service you can count on.
  47. Follow-Up Services: We check in after service to ensure everything is working correctly.
  48. Custom Maintenance Plans: We can give tailored plans for ongoing plumbing care.
  49. Warranty Fulfillment: Honoring warranties for their work.
  50. Peace of Mind: Ultimately, they provide peace of mind knowing your plumbing needs are in capable hands.

Any great plumber is a valued part of your household, offering expertise, reliability, and peace of mind for all your plumbing stuff. They’ll even carry your groceries in from the car

So next time you need to call a plumber……..

Should plumber’s give free quotes?

Some plumbers provide free quotes. Many don’t!

For simple jobs a plumber can usually give you a rough estimate over the phone if you provide enough accurate information that may include suitable images of the works and the site. However, more complicated projects usually need a site inspection and sometimes exploratory surgery if you want a realistic quote.

A great plumber will blend technology and experience to give you a quote complete with site pics and designs to include in the proposal but, that comes at a cost. That same plumber, unless he is waiting on information from another tradie like a landscaper or electrician, should get his quote to you the same or next day.

Any plumber that asks you for a quote fee know their stuff from years of experience.

Just like a consultation with your surgeon to plan and discuss your procedure before you go “under the knife”. It comes at a price.

I’ve paid for that experience. It was money well spent.

If your plumber charges for a quote, you’re more likely to get a professional and well considered opinion for your problem and he should offer a number of alternatives to suit your home and your budget. Quite often your plumber will deduct the quote fee from the price of the job; so effectively you end up with a free quote.

Plumbers are real people too and we get quotes for projects on our own homes and gardens, cars and boats, pets and holidays, and occasionally the quote is more than we expected.

I’ll usually ask questions and discuss the task with the professional providing the service.

With a better understanding of “what” and “why” the quote is so, I can ask for recommendations and if necessary, scale back the project without compromising my home. Then, depending on my budget, I’d undertake the entire project or just a part of it.

Google an expert

Interestingly, the internet has made us all experts in many fields. I reckon you get what you pay for!

World Water Day 2023. Four Ways to maintain our Water Supply

March 22nd 2023 is World Water Day.

G’day, it’s Dave Conroy, the Lone Drainer here to tell you all about World Water Day. This special day is celebrated every year on March 22nd, and it’s all about raising awareness for the importance of freshwater and advocating for sustainable management of this precious resource.

You see, water is essential for all life on Earth, and yet many people around the world still don’t have access to clean and safe water. Plus, with climate change and other environmental pressures, the future of freshwater is becoming increasingly uncertain.

That’s why World Water Day is so important. It’s a chance for people all over the world to come together and take action to protect our water resources. From conserving water in our daily lives to supporting policies that promote sustainable water management, there are many things we can do to make a difference.

To do our part to protect this vital resource, and remember that every drop counts, here are four things that can help maintain our water supply:

  1. Conserving water: One of the most effective ways to maintain our water supply is to use water more efficiently and avoid wasting it. This can be done by fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, using water-efficient appliances, and reducing outdoor water use (such as watering lawns and gardens only when necessary).
  2. Protecting water sources: Another important step is to protect the sources of our freshwater, such as lakes, rivers, and aquifers. This can be done by preventing pollution, reducing runoff from agricultural and urban areas, and minimizing the impact of industrial activities.
  3. Investing in infrastructure: To ensure that we have a reliable supply of clean water, it’s essential to invest in infrastructure that can capture, store, and treat water effectively. This can include building new dams, improving water treatment plants, and upgrading pipes and other water delivery systems.
  4. Supporting sustainable policies: Finally, it’s important to support Federal, State or Local government policies that promote sustainable water management, such as regulations that limit water use in times of drought or encourage the use of water-efficient technologies. By working together to protect and manage our water resources, we can help ensure that future generations have access to the water they need.

Five ways street trees affect your home!

If you’re considering buying a home in a tree lined street like this, you need to know how trees can affect houses on the street. Here’s just a few,

  1. Property value: Street trees can have a positive impact on property values. Studies have shown that houses with street trees have a higher market value than houses without street trees.

  2. Energy efficiency: Street trees can help to reduce energy costs by providing shade and reducing the amount of heat absorbed by houses. This can help to keep houses cooler in the summer and reduce the need for air conditioning.

  3. Aesthetics: Street trees can enhance the appearance of a street and contribute to a more pleasant and inviting neighborhood.

  4. Environmental benefits: Street trees can help to improve air and water quality, reduce storm water runoff, and provide habitat for wildlife.

  5. Some species can grow too large and cause damage to the roads, footpaths and sewers and storm water drains of houses or businesses on the street.

It’s important to note that while street trees have many benefits, they also require maintenance and care to ensure they are healthy and safe.

In Sydney Australia, local Councils as the owners, are responsible for maintaining the street trees on their property, including pruning, watering and removing dead branches or fallen leaves, and the maintenance of the blocked drains they cause.

It’s important they select the right species of tree for the location and space available, as some species can grow too large and cause damage to the roads, footpaths and sewers and storm water drains of houses or businesses on the street.

Read our previous posts about street trees and how blocked drains are managed by Randwick Council, Waverley Council and Woollahra Council here.

Street trees
Street trees bring summer shade, bird life and root damage to drains

Should the Toilet seat be left Up or Down?

Our summer break allows time to ask some of the greater life questions.                                   

And the Question of Toilet seat, Up or Down? is a big one.

Over salad sandwiches, I asked the Question, Why do Women want the toilet seat left down?

The reply was simple!

Leaving the toilet seat down is considered courteous and hygienic for women because it helps to prevent the toilet from splashing onto the seat or floor when it is used.

Additionally, it makes it easier for them to use the toilet without having to adjust the seat themselves.

Then I asked my audience, Can you give 3 reasons why men want the seat left up?

  1. To prevent falls: Men may prefer to leave the seat up to prevent accidental falls or slips when using the toilet in the middle of the night or in low-light conditions.

  2. Hygiene: Some men may prefer to leave the seat up to prevent the buildup of bacteria or germs on the seat.

  3. Ease of use: Men may prefer to leave the seat up because it makes it easier for them to use the toilet without having to adjust the seat themselves.

A few days later, I posed the same question, and got this reply.

For the ladies

  1. Leaving the toilet seat down can help prevent accidents and injuries by reducing the chance of falling or sitting on a wet seat.

  2. It can also help to keep the bathroom cleaner by reducing the likelihood of toilet water splashing onto the floor or seat.

  3. Lastly, it is often considered more hygienic for women as it makes it easier for them to use the toilet without having to adjust the seat themselves, avoiding any potential contact with germs.

Then the men

  1. Men may prefer to leave the toilet seat up because it is the default position, and they are used to it.
  2. A raised seat allows men to aim more effectively, reducing the likelihood of urine splash-back or misses.

  3. Leaving the seat up can also serve as a visual indicator that the toilet has been used, so that the next person to use it knows to lower the seat before using it.

It’s important to note that these preferences are not universal and may vary from person to person. Ultimately, it’s a matter of personal preference.

What do you think?

How to fix a blocked drain caused by tree roots.

If you have tree roots in your sewer pipes, you should watch this 1:56 minute YouTube Clip

Tree roots will lift, crack and maybe even crush those pipes, resulting in some very expensive replacement costs to dig up and renew the broken pipes.

Plumbers call pipe or drain blockages “chokes” … If your sewer pipes are choked, then call us on (02) 9664 4990

This clip shows how we use the latest plumbing technology to clear out your blocked drains.

In the first part of this demonstration in a clear plastic pipe, you’ll see how high pressure water drain cleaners work inside your pipes.

85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots and this clip shows how the different drain cleaning heads move through the pipes and subsequently the tree root blockage, cutting and mulching the tree roots and blowing them back through the pipeline.

Tree roots grow in through the top of the earthenware pipe joints and depending on where the tree is, root blockages can be in more than one pipe joint.

A drain camera or Drainoscopy used in conjunction with the high pressure water will help your plumber cut out all the tree root blockages at the pipe joints.

Once we cut the tree roots from your sewer pipes, we can then apply Vaporooter to prevent regrowth of tree roots in your pipes.

The Vaporooter process is cost effective, and comes with a 12 month GUARANTEE!

If you would like to find out more, please call us on 02 9664 4990

Waverley Council trees are blocking my drains

Did you know 85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots?

In Waverley Council’s jurisdiction, blocked drains are cause quite often by the roots of the trees that line the streets.

They can block drains and sometimes damage the sewer and stormwater pipes that take wastewater off your property.

Many homeowners hold Waverley Council responsible for their blockage and expect they will clear their blocked drains for free because they own the trees.

Well in some cases they do!

But, Waverley Council gets their income from you the ratepayer and as you would expect, they have guidelines for spending ratepayers money to fix your blocked drains.

If you have a Blocked drain and live in one of these suburbs managed by Waverley Council including Bondi, Bondi Beach, Bondi Junction, Bronte, Charing Cross, Clovelly, Dover Heights, North Bondi, Queens Park and Waverley, click here to see the Waverley Council Sewerage Stormwater Drain Blockage Policy.

The top points are that you the homeowner:

Must have a sewer service diagram for your building.
Must maintain your sewer pipes.
Must prevent sewer blockages.
Must prevent sewerage from escaping into the environment.
May be entitled to the Council plumber clearing your blocked drain.

Flushable wipes block drains

As you know, up to 85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots and can be easily managed.

But, there is a growing number of blocked drains that are caused by “hygienic wipes”. Hygienic wipes block up house drains and sewer mains that cost homeowners and Sydney Water a fortune to maintain. So be careful what you flush!

To put it simply, hygienic wipes don’t break down like toilet paper and as many household pipelines have imperfections, the wipes get caught and cause a blocked drain.

If you are polishing your bottom….. and flushing more wipes, you could be in trouble.

This Choice magazine YouTube video shows how wipes don’t break down for up to 21 hours.

The Lone Drainer And Pronto Coronavirus Diaries D’Ettorre Real Estate #3 SME Advice

In this episode of The Lone Drainer And Pronto Coronavirus Diaries, I speak with Dom D’Ettorre, principal of D’Ettorre Real Estate in Woollahra Sydney.

Subsidies are available for commercial tenants. SME’s – Small to medium entrepreneurs. Beautician, dentists, yoga studios and gymnasiums have lost 100% of their business income.

Find out how that affects the tenants and the property owners. “It’s NOT 1 size fits all.”

The Lone Drainer And Pronto Coronavirus Diaries D’Ettore Real Estate #2 Negative Gearing

In this edition of The Lone Drainer And Pronto Coronavirus Diaries, I speak with Dom D’Ettorre, principal of D’Ettorre Real Estate in Woollahra Sydney about how his negatively geared owners are being affected.

Investors have bought properties as AirBnB sites and now as travel is severely restricted the owners have to adjust quickly to manage the finance on their properties.

Some properties may be vacant for 6-12 weeks

Mum and dad investors who thought “I’m going to buy an investment property” and borrowed 90% and now lost their job… it’s going to hurt.

Listen and learn from Dom’s experience.

The Lone Drainer And Pronto Coronavirus Diaries D’Ettorre Real Estate #1 What’s going on

In this edition of The Lone Drainer And Pronto Coronavirus Diaries, I speak with Dom D’Ettorre, principal of D’Ettorre Real Estate in Woollahra Sydney.
2020 was shaping up as a landmark year for Sydney real estate, then the Coronavirus came to our shores.

Dom shares how his clients, property owners and their tenants are responding to the rapid-fire changes to the Sydney real estate world during the lockdown. He shares how vendors and prospective buyers are changing their habits, their expectations, their motivations and the pressures affecting them.

The Lone Drainer And Pronto Coronavirus Diaries #1 Wylies Baths

The Lone Drainer Coronavirus Diaries is a chance to catch up with some of our friends and businesses that we help, and that help us, to see how they are affected during the Coronavirus lock down of 2020.

In this short 4.33 minute YouTube clip I speak with Courtney Tallon, the manager of Wylies baths in Coogee NSW.

The Lone Drainer’s Recipe #3

The Lone Drainer’s Mushroom Sauce for Pasta

This doubles as a fabulous addition, as a sauce for steak the next night, and takes care of two of the five vegetables per day that you are meant to eat.

This recipe is an example of The Hardworking Plumber’s Secret Timesaving Tip: Cook It Once, Use It Twice, (tastes sensational both times!).

This recipe is so simple that it is hardly a recipe; but it’s impressive to eat nonetheless and made in a matter of minutes. I put this on the stove, on a low heat, go have a shower, (yeah, yeah, I know its dangerous, but The Lone Drainer and his Team are tired after a hard day on the tools and a shower while dinner cooks saves precious minutes which means we get to eat earlier).

(Ed: gotta give it to Dave Conroy, always thinking, thinking…).

And credit where credit is due, this recipe was pretty well invented by Leigh, the best gasfitter in Sydney’s east, then developed by me, whom some experts would say is the best and most modest plumber in the Eastern suburbs….

½ a box of already cut up mushrooms, the kind you buy at the supermarket
Left over white wine
Garlic (buy the bags of single clove garlic from Harris Farm Markets as they take less time to cut and peel- see pic)
Three tablespoons of cream
A tablespoon of parsley – if you have it
A decent glug, glug, glug of olive oil, i.e. three big tablespoons if you want to be accurate
A bag of salad mix

Chop up the garlic any old how. Small is good.
In a largish frypan, heat the olive oil on a medium heat, add the garlic, fry until it smells good but not brown, tip in the half box of mushrooms, stir, turn heat down, add a cup of white wine, and half a cup of water or stock, (the mushrooms should be more or less covered with liquid), stir and let stew while you take a shower or set the table. Put a big pot of salted water on low heat, (again the amount of salt doesn’t really matter, but if you like precision, a tablespoon will do).

Okay, all cleaned up now, turn the heat up under the pasta water till its boiling, add the pasta.

Throw some of the salad leaves into a bowl and dress with a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of vinegar. Put on the table. This is your salad to go with the pasta.

Add three tablespoons of cream to your mushrooms and stir. Turn off the heat under them but leave in pan on stove.

Once the pasta is cooked, (it should still have a bit of bite to it as it will go on cooking in the sauce) drain it, put in a largish bowl and add the mushroom sauce to it. Stir and eat. Delicious!

Here is a pic of the pasta in the bowl, ready to eat: (note the inspection outlet in the background – we plumbers are always experimenting with the latest technology)

Next week, we’ll talk about the Plumbers’ pantry cupboard and what you need to keep in it in order to be able to make a delicious dinner in ten minutes flat every night.

Until then,

Read our blog. Cook our food. Admire our plumbing.

Never a cross word…

HOW CLEVER ARE YOU? WIN A PRIZE TODAY! (Yes! A prize from Dave, The Lone Drainer!)

The first person to email us ( a photo of the correctly completed crossword (click on the link on the line below), wins a box of the excellent and bio friendly “Who Gives A Crap” toilet paper.


Who is responsible for my sewer pipes?

Did you know homeowners are responsible for their sewer pipes up to and including where they meet the Sydney Water sewer mains?

A lot of people are shocked when they find that out.

If you need to renew your sewer pipe line because it has been damaged by tree roots and the pipes run out in the middle the road, then, the homeowner is responsible for all the costs of the renewal, including Council road opening fees.

How do tree roots get into pipes?

Tree roots grow through trenches dug for plumbing pipes.

When plumbers excavate a trench in virgin soil to lay our pipelines to take the waste water from your home, we till the soil.

The simple method of excavating the soil with a shovel or even a mechanical excavator like a backhoe actually breaks up the soil.

See the tree in our attached pic?

Its root system will be able to grow through the trench looking for weakness in the pipe line.

After we complete our excavations and lay the pipes in the trenches, we back fill the trench, putting the excavated soils back.

Sometimes we water in the soil and quite often use a compactor to help with the back fill process.

Excavations are often back filled with an aggregate like blue metal gravel.

The back filled trench is never as compact as the virgin soil. It provides the roots of nearby trees a much easier path to “wander” along in their search for water and nutrients.

World Toilet Day 2016

Today November 19th, 2016 is  World Toilet Day .

What does working as a plumber in Sydney, one of the greatest cities in the world, mean to me on World Toilet Day?

This is a city of contrast and we get to see mostly the top end where it’s nothing for people to spend over $1000 to buy a new toilet.

Many of the houses we visit have 2 or more toilets and many of us take it for granted that we can use a toilet, then flush the loo with clean drinking water from our seemingly endless water supply.

A lot of Sydneysiders would be surprised to know that about 1/3 of the world’s population have neither a toilet to use or clean running water to drink. Let alone flushing away their bodily waste off to a treatment works, somewhere out of sight. And out of mind!

Today, when you use your toilet, think for a moment how we might help those less fortunate.

During your Christmas holiday, if you visit an underprivileged country and experience poor toilet hygiene, think of those people and how we may be able to help them before World Toilet Day 2017. If you’ve got the stomach for it, take a picture of your travel experience and send it to me.

I’d like to raise awareness of this simple missing basic need for so many.

Should plumber’s give free quotes?

Some plumbers provide free quotes. Many don’t!

For the simple jobs a plumber can usually give you a rough estimate over the phone if you provide enough accurate information that may include suitable images of the works. However, more complicated projects usually need a site inspection and sometimes exploratory surgery if you want a realistic quote.

A great plumber will blend technology and experience to give you a quote complete with site pics and designs to include in the proposal but, that comes at a cost. That same plumber, unless he is waiting on information from another tradie like a landscaper or electrician, should get his quote to you the same or next day.

Any plumbers that asks you for a quote fee know their stuff from years of experience.

Just like a consultation fee with your surgeon to plan and discuss your procedure before you go “under the knife”.

I’ve paid for that experience. It was money well spent.

If your plumber charges for a quote, you’re more likely to get a professional and well considered opinion for your problem and he should offer a number of alternatives to suit your home and your budget. Quite often your plumber will deduct the quote fee from the price of the job; so effectively you end up with a free quote.

Plumbers are real people too and we get quotes for projects on our own homes and gardens, cars and boats, pets and holidays, and occasionally the quote is more than we expected.

I’ll usually ask questions and discuss the task with the professional providing the service.

With a better understanding of “what” and “why” the quote is so, I can ask for recommendations and if necessary, scale back the project without compromising my home. Then, depending on my budget, I’d undertake the entire project or just a part of it.

Interestingly, the internet has made us all experts in many fields. I reckon you get what you pay for!
Google an expert

Winter rain comes with a blast

Winter Rain and blocked pipes.

The forecast east coast low started dumping rain on us last night. Road accidents caused by wet conditions and local flooding are the norm today. The weather bureau suggest these conditions will continue until Monday.

Blocked storm water drains, storm water pipes and storm water pits have been the order of the day today after the rain came thick and fast.

Where possible, keep your roof gutters and drains clear of leaf debris to avoid flooding and pipe overflows.

Don’t flush those flushable wipes

As you know, up to 85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots and can be easily managed.

But, there is a growing number of blockages that are caused by “hygienic wipes”. Hygienic wipes block up house drains and sewer mains that cost homeowners and Sydney Water a fortune to maintain. So be careful what you flush!

Simply, hygienic wipes don’t break down like toilet paper and as many household pipelines have imperfections, the wipes can get caught and cause a blockage.

This Choice magazine Youtube video shows how wipes don’t break down for up to 21 hours.

If you are polishing your bottom….. and flushing more wipes, you could be in trouble.

Don’t flush facial tissues

85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots. However, what you flush down your loo can also contribute to that blockage.

Why this plumber makes a regular blood donation

New Blood 2
Its a simple thing to give blood. It doesn’t hurt at all! In fact it makes you feel really good…. and you get to help someone else.

Who knows, I may get to help you or your loved ones.

So what does that have to do with plumbing……

Well, only that all of your pipes need flushing from time to time. Even your personal pipes!

This is Furk! Having FUn at woRK.