S_ _ T Happens. Short Guide to Comparative Religions

Every now and then, things come across my desk that I must share, and those of you who follow the Lone Drainer and Pronto blog know that S_ _T is something that, well  it happens.

At Christmas, this is a tongue in cheek twist on “our subject”:

Taoism                         S _ _ t happens.

Buddhism                     If S _ _t happens, it’s not really S _ _t.

Islam                           If S_ _t happens, it’s the will of Allah.

Protestantism              S _ _t happens because you don’t work hard enough.

Judaism                      Why does S _ _t always happen to us?

Hinduism                    This S_ _t happened before.

Catholicism                 S _ _t happens because you’re bad.

Hare Krishna              S _ _t happens rama rama.

T.V Evangelism           Send more S _ _t.

Atheism                       No S _ _t.

Jehovah’s Witness      Knock knock, S_ _t happens.

Hedonism                   There’s nothing like a good S _ _t happening.

Christian Science        S _ _t happens in your mind.

Agnosticism                Maybe S _ _t happens, maybe it doesn’t.

Existentialism              What is S _ _t anyway?

Stoicism                     This S _ _t doesn’t bother me.

Rastafarianism            Let’s smoke this S _ _t.
