Plumbing Humour

Today’s post is courtesy of Dr Marc Dussault, who is Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist. It’s a hilarious YouTube video that he has posted on his Personal Mastery Blog.

Click here to view the video. It’s about a toilet-house built in South Korea; it shows what passion is all about – even when you’re in the Toilet Industry!

Marc calls this “antimimeticisomorphism” – shifting ones thinking to create an exponential mindset by doing something out-of-the-ordinary to achieve extra-ordinary results. He has an entire website devoted to this amazing concept!

Stay tuned for more intriguing posts like this one! Who said plumbing can’t be fun?!?!?!?

2 responses to “Plumbing Humour”

  1. David,
    Thanks for using my Blog Post – I know your clients, prospects and suppliers will enjoy it!

    Onward and upward!
    Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist

  2. bath screens says:

    Took me ages to find this post, this time I’ll bookmark it.