Roll your toilet paper from the bottom
In every plumbing situation there are options, and how you roll your toilet paper is no exception.
In a previous post, Roll Your Own Toilet Paper we presented the case for having your toilet paper rolling from the top however, Is upside down the right way up?

As we observe during our bathroom travels some people choose to roll their toilet paper from the bottom due to their personal preferences or habits. Here are a few reasons why some individuals may prefer that orientation:
- Aesthetics: Some individuals find that rolling the toilet paper from the bottom creates a tidier appearance. They believe that the loose end of the roll is less visible and tucked away when hanging behind the roll, which they perceive as visually appealing.
- Habit or Tradition: Rolling the toilet paper from the bottom may be a habit or preference that people have grown accustomed to over time. It could be influenced by the way they were taught or observed others using it in their households or public restrooms.
- Pets or Children: In households with curious pets or small children, rolling the toilet paper from the bottom may be done intentionally. The idea is that it makes it more difficult for pets or children to easily unravel the entire roll by swatting at it or pulling on the loose end.
- Space Constraints: In some bathrooms, the toilet paper holder may be located close to a wall or other fixtures, leaving limited space for the roll. Rolling the toilet paper from the bottom can help prevent the roll from extending too far and potentially hitting the wall or obstructing nearby items.
- Personal Convenience: While rolling from the top is often considered more convenient, some individuals may find it easier to tear off the desired amount of toilet paper when it rolls from the bottom. This preference could be due to the direction in which they naturally pull or the way they position their hand for tearing.
It’s important to note that these reasons are subjective and may not apply to everyone. Ultimately, the choice of how to roll the toilet paper comes down to personal preference and individual habits.
Waddya reckon?

If you need to stock up on Toilet Paper we have supplies of Who Gives a Crap at our Coogee office.
Should plumber’s give free quotes?
Some plumbers provide free quotes. Many don’t!
For simple jobs a plumber can usually give you a rough estimate over the phone if you provide enough accurate information that may include suitable images of the works and the site. However, more complicated projects usually need a site inspection and sometimes exploratory surgery if you want a realistic quote.

A great plumber will blend technology and experience to give you a quote complete with site pics and designs to include in the proposal but, that comes at a cost. That same plumber, unless he is waiting on information from another tradie like a landscaper or electrician, should get his quote to you the same or next day.
Any plumber that asks you for a quote fee know their stuff from years of experience.
Just like a consultation with your surgeon to plan and discuss your procedure before you go “under the knife”. It comes at a price.
I’ve paid for that experience. It was money well spent.
If your plumber charges for a quote, you’re more likely to get a professional and well considered opinion for your problem and he should offer a number of alternatives to suit your home and your budget. Quite often your plumber will deduct the quote fee from the price of the job; so effectively you end up with a free quote.
Plumbers are real people too and we get quotes for projects on our own homes and gardens, cars and boats, pets and holidays, and occasionally the quote is more than we expected.
I’ll usually ask questions and discuss the task with the professional providing the service.
With a better understanding of “what” and “why” the quote is so, I can ask for recommendations and if necessary, scale back the project without compromising my home. Then, depending on my budget, I’d undertake the entire project or just a part of it.

Interestingly, the internet has made us all experts in many fields. I reckon you get what you pay for!
Is it O.K. to take a longer shower?
As Sydney and most of New South Wales is knee-deep in floodwater I had a friend ask me this morning, “is it OK to take a longer shower?”
I encouraged him and his entire family to take a longer shower over the next few days. Using the water may actually help those that are living downstream from Warragamba Dam where the residents and farmers are flooded by the water running over the dam spillway and overwhelming the Nepean and Hawkesbury river systems downstream.
Just over twelve months ago we were in the grip of a drought that was choking our country cousins and dust storms were commonplace across New South Wales.
The rain won’t last forever, in fact, it’s forecast to clear up this afternoon and deliver a 29° hot sunny day tomorrow.
The rain has exposed many blocked drains and stormwater pits and pipes. So when the sun comes out, make the most of the abundant water in our catchment dams and clean out those pits, grates, drains and the rainwater down pipes blocked with leaf debris.
Bathroom cleaning tip #2
We plumbers wash our hands 10 or more times a day.
The Coronavirus pandemic is making us all think about the transmission of germs and how the virus is transmitted on the surfaces we come in contact with. Any time we work in your bathroom we more than likely touch the hot and cold taps in your bath, shower or hand basin and the cold water tap to your toilet.
The tap supplying water to the toilet isn’t touched regularly, so, it has a reduced chance of transmission through touch. But, it is near the toilet so airborne germs are a concern.
The simple task of using the toilet and then wiping ourselves is something we all learned as kids, but, in researching this article I’m surprised to learn the number of different methods people use.
No matter how you do it, the first thing we all do is flush the toilet.
Before we wash our hands!
Alarm bells are ringing for you right now. As they should be!
But(t), let’s be practical.
Whether you have a plumber working in your bathroom or not, keep an atomiser spray bottle with a mix of water and disinfectant with an appropriate cleaning cloth in your bathroom. Spray the toilet flush button, the cistern lid, the toilet seat and lid and wipe them over thoroughly.
And if you’re keen to clean the entire bathroom, click here to see another of our easy cleaning tips.
Flushable wipes block drains
As you know, up to 85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots and can be easily managed.
But, there is a growing number of blocked drains that are caused by “hygienic wipes”. Hygienic wipes block up house drains and sewer mains that cost homeowners and Sydney Water a fortune to maintain. So be careful what you flush!
To put it simply, hygienic wipes don’t break down like toilet paper and as many household pipelines have imperfections, the wipes get caught and cause a blocked drain.
If you are polishing your bottom….. and flushing more wipes, you could be in trouble.
This Choice magazine YouTube video shows how wipes don’t break down for up to 21 hours.
Poo News
Our readers are still the best source of fun, information, insights and images from the wonderful world of plumbing
I’ve heard plenty of explanations of the word Poo. I hadn’t heard this one.
Shower outdoors more often
With our hottest summer on record, many of us have been showering outdoors. It’s a perfect opportunity to water the garden and the lawn, stay cool ourselves and save water.
Some clients have us set up a permanent outdoor shower in the garden or near the swimming pool just to rinse off.
I reckon simple is best. Good old corrugated and canvas.
Our correspondent enjoying the Three Capes Track in beautiful Tasmania, also reports it was 13°C.
Spend a penny on a hot day
It’s hot in Sydney today; 30°C. With the forecast to be 38°C tomorrow Wednesday.
It’s uncomfortable!
We did all of our plumbing jobs earlier today, before it got too hot.
Interestingly, the average Sydney bathroom is a cool place to be on a hot day. The tiled floor and walls in the bathroom made it significantly cooler.
So, if you can, stay in the bathroom a little longer today. Sit a little longer and read this story of the landlord who put a coin operated flush button on his tenants WC cistern in an effort to “save water”. Now stay cooler longer and read about it here.
Funny, 10 days ago I was in Sheridan Montana and the temp was -29°C. I’m glad their bathroom was heated.
Should plumber’s give free quotes?
Some plumbers provide free quotes. Many don’t!
For the simple jobs a plumber can usually give you a rough estimate over the phone if you provide enough accurate information that may include suitable images of the works. However, more complicated projects usually need a site inspection and sometimes exploratory surgery if you want a realistic quote.
A great plumber will blend technology and experience to give you a quote complete with site pics and designs to include in the proposal but, that comes at a cost. That same plumber, unless he is waiting on information from another tradie like a landscaper or electrician, should get his quote to you the same or next day.
Any plumbers that asks you for a quote fee know their stuff from years of experience.
Just like a consultation fee with your surgeon to plan and discuss your procedure before you go “under the knife”.
I’ve paid for that experience. It was money well spent.
If your plumber charges for a quote, you’re more likely to get a professional and well considered opinion for your problem and he should offer a number of alternatives to suit your home and your budget. Quite often your plumber will deduct the quote fee from the price of the job; so effectively you end up with a free quote.
Plumbers are real people too and we get quotes for projects on our own homes and gardens, cars and boats, pets and holidays, and occasionally the quote is more than we expected.
I’ll usually ask questions and discuss the task with the professional providing the service.
With a better understanding of “what” and “why” the quote is so, I can ask for recommendations and if necessary, scale back the project without compromising my home. Then, depending on my budget, I’d undertake the entire project or just a part of it.
Interestingly, the internet has made us all experts in many fields. I reckon you get what you pay for!
Don’t flush those flushable wipes
As you know, up to 85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots and can be easily managed.
But, there is a growing number of blockages that are caused by “hygienic wipes”. Hygienic wipes block up house drains and sewer mains that cost homeowners and Sydney Water a fortune to maintain. So be careful what you flush!
Simply, hygienic wipes don’t break down like toilet paper and as many household pipelines have imperfections, the wipes can get caught and cause a blockage.
This Choice magazine Youtube video shows how wipes don’t break down for up to 21 hours.
If you are polishing your bottom….. and flushing more wipes, you could be in trouble.
Don’t flush facial tissues
85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots. However, what you flush down your loo can also contribute to that blockage.
Think before you flush the toilet.
Christmas 2015 is upon us. This is the time most of us slow down and enjoy the festive season and the Aussie summer. But please think before you flush. We are here to help you with any plumbing emergency over the Christmas holidays.
A blocked drain can be caused by putting the wrong things down your sinks, pipes and toilets. This can leave you with an expensive plumbing bill to unblock your pipes. It can also lead to an increase in the amount of waste moving through our sewage treatment works at Malabar, Bondi and Manly.
These extra items have to be screened out, dumped in bins and trucked off to a landfill site. Unsuitable flushed items can lead to sewer overflows and problems in the sewer mains which are simply caused by small items getting caught and blocking the network.

Don’t do it.
An overflowing sewer main in your property or worse, in your home, is very unpleasant. So, keep it simple and flush only the three Ps….. pee, poo and paper.
Why men spend so much time in the Loo!
Why men spend so much time in the loo is still a mystery to me!
My Dad could disappear in there for what seemed like hours; he would emerge with the Herald under his arm and an understanding of what had been happening in the world.
He took time to think! Meditation perhaps?
My eldest son is just the same. He has Dad’s brains.
Personally, I get in, do what I have too and get the hell out of there.
This clip is fun! If you have similar experiences let me know.
Welcome to Movember – Men’s Health Month
Men’s health is something very close to my heart. Having lost my dad in 2009 to prostate cancer at 73 is something that changed the way I look at my own health and health checks.
Over this month Movember I plan to share the personal stories of plumbing colleagues, clients and work mates. They’re all just normal men who felt a slight change in their bodies and had the courage and the good sense or friendly push to go and get things checked out.
I’ve got some simple health tips that work for me and if they work for me, then, they’ll work for you too! I’ve got some great summer recipes.
So, I can hear you asking…. What the hell has men’s health got to do with plumbing? Well it has everything to do with plumbing. Our bodies are temples, our home is our castle and our pipes within our temple and our castles need to function properly or we are “up shit creek”!
I’ve got some YouTube clips to share; some funny, some educational, some frightening!
8 Reasons to drink water!
It’s easy to take water for granted.
I spend most of my life working with water, delivering it to your taps and toilets and working on blocked drains that won’t allow your waste water to run away.
My entire family’s leisure time is spent scuba diving and snorkeling, surfing and sailing, swimming and socialising on and in the water. And when we’ve finished having fun in the water, we all shower off! Water is a major part of our life.
But drinking water is something I must make part of my life as middle age sneaks up on me. I know to be with the ones I love and do the things I love, I must have good health. And, I usually say if I can do it, then it’s pretty easy to do!
So here’s my top 8 good reasons why we should drink more water:
Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes out the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories.
A Natural Remedy for Headache: Helps relieve headache and back pain usually caused by dehydration. Although many reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is the common one. This is a big one for me.
Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, so drinking water helps you think better and be more alert, cause we need more alerts!
Better Exercise: Drinking water regulates your body temperature, so you should feel more energetic when doing exercises. Water helps fuel your muscles; and I need that.
Helps with Digestion and Constipation: Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps with digestion. Fibre and water should go hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement. Water is good for the personal plumbing as well as the house plumbing.
Reduce Sickness: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and things like kidney stones and heart attack. I fill the water jug and roughly cut 2 or 3 lemons, add them in and leave it to sit for a while. It apparently helps intestinal problems. Plus it can improve your immune system.
Improve your Mood: Your body feels very good and that’s why you feel happy. Helps with Furking (Having fun…….. while you’re working).
Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Some studies of the digestive system show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with your bladder lining. Now, that sounds good to me!
Water Saving Tips for your Garden
Did you know about 35% of household water usage occurs in the garden?
In my daily rounds the common theme is how the spring has unfolded, the gardens are in bloom, the Jasmine flowers have come and gone. We’ve had very little rain lately on the coast but, after recent temperatures reaching 36 degrees, our gardens are dry.
It helps if you know the needs of your plants. More plants die from over watering than lack of water so don’t drown ’em.
So here are a few water saving Do’s and Dont’s:
– Do choose water efficient plants and grasses.
– Do mulch your garden.
– Do install a drip feed system to water the gardens and lawns. It’s pretty easy to do. If you need a hand just ask us.
– Don’t water in the heat of the day. Heat = Evaporation and the watering process can burn your lawn and plants. Water early or late. Cool is good!
– Don’t assume the garden needs watering. Check the soil to see whether its dry before turning on that hose.
– Don’t water for long periods if your garden slopes. The water just runs off. Allow it to soak in!
– Don’t water on windy days especially with sprinklers and fine sprays. Wind increases evaporation.
– Don’t water everyday, if its practical give em a drink twice a week to encourage the roots to grow deeper
– Don’t water for 1-2 weeks after a good soaking rain.
– Don’t forget to drink yourself. Personal hydration is even more important!
Blocked Pipes and Council Trees
Did you know many blocked sewers are caused by the tree roots from Council street trees?
This issue is becoming a very big drain on the budget of many local councils.
The council owned trees that make some of our more sought after suburban streets very special, are creating havoc underground by repeatedly blocking the sewer pipelines from many of the homes on those streets. Councils are fighting a losing battle trying to bring the tree roots under control.
The budgets of many local councils are strained as they just can’t keep up with the demand of their ratepayers to attend to sewer blockages caused by these street trees.
There is an economical way for local councils to Stop Tree Roots in Pipes and ease the burden on the budget and the ratepayers who have regular tree root blockages.
Vaporooter Kills Roots. Period!
Happy Plumbers + Great Service = Happy Clients
We have a great team of plumbers here at The Lone Drainer and Pronto! They are good at their job. They Love their work. We call it “Furk”! Having
On Monday afternoon, 27th October 2014, I got the following email:
Hi Dave,
Thank you so very much for taking my phone call early this morning and organising Chris and Leigh to come to my house so quickly.
Chris and Leigh arrived, knocked on my door, introduced themselves with smiles and put me at ease that my sewerage problems would be fixed.
Such a relief. I could not have had nicer people to arrive on my door step. Both well mannered and very pleasant people to talk to.
I also had a problem with my kitchen sink tap. Unfortunately I had to leave Chris at the kitchen sink as I had to go to work. He did a good job and I now have a brand new tap looking at me! Both men were very efficient.
Again, thank you for being so prompt and getting the job on its way.
Kind regards,
Julie B. Randwick NSW

Leigh and Chris with Plunger
Be careful what you put in your toilet!
Last night we had an emergency call out to a client that we had helped recently. But first, let me paint a picture.
Two weeks ago “Kath”, who lives in a 1920s Coogee building had a blocked shower. Kath said it had been slow to drain since she moved in 6 years ago. A little investigation revealed the original pipes ran through the concrete floor and were corroded internally. Corrosion is one of the drawbacks of living so close to the ocean.
Anyway, The Lone Drainer and Pronto Super-heroes Leigh and Chris, got her shower running “better than ever before”. In fact Kath rang our office to compliment the boys on their Ps, Punctual and Professional.
So I was surprised to get her evening call-out. It turns out her toilet was blocked! But the shower and basin were draining better than ever before. The building has a 2 pipe system; the shower, bath, basin and kitchen sink run down one pipe, while the toilet waste goes down the other.
After a little investigation we found there were tampons caught on the corroded inside of the waste pipe. It was reasonably simple to clear the blockage. Although Kath was a little embarrassed we assured her the best way to prevent it happening again was to follow this simple rule.
Who turned off the hot water?
Who turned off the hot water?… That was the call today from the residents in a block of 82 home units.
Our clients shower tap was leaking; a 1/2 bucket of hot water every minute and needed new washers.
So, “Where does the Hot Water turn off?” asked The Lone Drainer. “I don’t know”, replied our client! What followed was a search for the hot water shut off in all the usual places; under the vanity basin…. no; under the kitchen sink…. no; in the bathroom ceiling…. no; what about the duct in the hallway…. no!
Next, The Lone Drainer called the maintenance manager’s mobile, courtesy of the Emergency Number notice in the foyer. When he finally responded, The Lone Drainer and Pronto already knew that the valves in the cupboard shut off all the units on the other side of the hallway, but not ours.
“The hot water shut off valve should be in that duct” said Al the manager. “It’s not!” said The Lone Drainer. “Any suggestions?”
“So you’re gonna have to shut down hot water for the whole building” says Al.
Now there is a protocol for shutting down water to a building with 82 units at midday. Normally it’s a notice on the board and in the lift a couple of days in advance. Not today!
I had Pronto go to the foyer and buzz every unit to tell those that answered that the hot water is gonna get turned off in 1/2 hour for about 1/2 an hour.
By the time we shut down the boiler, drained the building then removed the shower tap and re-washered it, replaced O-rings and lubricated the moving parts, put the tap back together and turned the boiler valves back on, an hour and 15 minutes had gone by. Luckily only 18 of 82 residents came looking for the reason they had no hot water on this cold Sydney day.
Moral of the story:
Know where your hot and cold water turns off…. And make sure it does! Now, that sounds like a job for The Lone Drainer and Pronto!
3 Tips for Healthy Hot Water
Who had a cold shower this morning?
Winter makes the need for hot water a high priority. If you think your heater is under performing do this quick water heater health check.
1. Check the colour of your water. If its brown, your water heater has a buildup of sediment or rust.
2. Check your Temperature and Pressure Relief valve (like the one shown below), pull the lever; it should spurt out water till you let go of the lever. If it dribbles afterwards, it needs attention.
3. Does the stop valve work? Try turning it off, test the water at your hot taps and turn it back on. Ideally it should stop the water flow through the heater.
Whether your water heater is gas or electric, storage or continuous, check it regularly.
If your hot water runs out get your friendly plumber to check it over
A plumbing emergency and ducks we’ve rescued
We were called out to this plumbing emergency that brought an unexpected surprise.
Our client had a blocked drain and when we had just about completed that repair, cutting tree roots from her sewer pipes, she called out because she needed a hand in her back yard.
A mother duck that had been nesting in her dense rear garden had chosen today to take her babies for their first swimming lesson. The ducklings took to the water like ….. well, ducks to water. The only problem was that the water level in the pool was a little low, they couldn’t get out of the pool and they were getting very tired.
Our attempts to rescue them by hand and with the pool scoop, brought a tirade of squawking and flapping of wings from the mother duck. She didn’t want us anywhere near her babies! We found a plank in the back shed which we put in the pool and then draped an old towel along the length of the plank, then stood back.
When mother duck settled down she could see we were trying to help, she led the baby ducklings up the plank and after checking they were all out, she herded them back to the nest in the dense undergrowth.
She gave us another flurry of feathers when we tried to check on the babies.
Every day brings another adventure!
Washing machines & dishwasher maintenance
With 3 growing boys living at home who eat like there is no tomorrow, between playing rugby, cricket and doing patrols at Coogee Surf Club, we have plenty of dishes to wash up every day as well as laundry to do every day, so much so, that both appliances broke down at the same time!
Yes it happens to plumbers as well!
So we had our brightest plumbing apprentice just install a new dishwasher and washing machine and it made me aware of the importance of these water appliances and how we should maintain them.
1. Their hoses are rubber, so with hot water they perish and may rupture; so check them regularly.
2. Many people turn these control valves or taps off at the end of every wash. In our house that would be impossible.
3. Turn taps off when going on holidays. Don’t forget to turn them back on when you return.
Just recently, our emergency plumbers rescued a young mother who had been to Adelaide for three weeks. The hose feeding her washing machine ruptured causing many dollars worth of damage:
- Her washing machine shorted out electrically (needs a new machine).
- The laundry/bathroom was covered in mould from the steam (needs repainting).
- Assorted bits and pieces of furniture were damaged.
- The carpets in the hallway were waterlogged.
- The parquet flooring at the end of the hallway had buckled and would need major repairs, then re-sanding and staining.
- Not to mention the aggravation of removing all furniture and of course taking the young children away from the home for several days whilst these procedures were carried out. The fumes from the floor staining were intoxicating.
Plumbers and dogs
Can Your Dog and the Tradies Play Nice?
Renovations and refurbishing is a hectic and stressful time for anyone involved, but what about the family pooch. Are you having concerns with your dog getting under feet, barking at the strange men in his house or stealing tools?
This is a common problem. Just like us, your dog can get very stressed about having work done in his home. Any behaviour associated with this stress can be a safety risk for not only your dog but also the tradies. As far as your dog is concerned, the tradies are strangers who have come into their home and have started changing things! In addition to this stress there is also the risk of your dog escaping from the yard, as the loud noises of building can also cause significant fear and stress, not to mention the potential for injury, or being exposed to toxins. Unlike the tradesman, there are no protective masks or clothing for your dog.
The best and safest way to deal with this tense situation is to relocate your dog while any work is being done. If it’s a day to day thing then a Doggy Daycare may be just what you need! You can drop off your pooch in the morning before work and easily collect him or her at the end of day, your dog will be exhausted and happy after a day of walks, play and socialisation.
The best way to get your pooch into daycare is to make contact, check their specific requirements and availability. It is the norm for your daycare to ask for a copy of your dog’s current vaccination certificate, your contact details and the details of your vet. Your dog should be desexed (assuming they are old enough) and they should be friendly and socialise well with other dogs, a responsible daycare will also provide stringent supervision on those first few days to make sure everyone is getting along. Then you can rest easy that your dog is playing and having a great time at daycare instead of stressing out and getting underfoot while your tradesmen are working!
This Information was supplied by the Friendly Team at Paddington Pups, Doggy Day Care Centre, Dog Grooming and Dog Supplies Brisbane.