If you have your eye on a house in a tree lined street, you should read this!
While street trees can have many benefits, there are also some potential negative impacts that should be considered.
- Damage to the street infrastructure: Street trees can cause damage to footpaths, roads, and buildings if their roots grow too close to or under them. They can also damage underground utilities such as electrical cables, water and gas pipes. The tree root systems will also cause blocked drains and sewer pipes. If you get a blocked drain you should call The Lone Drainer and Pronto.
- Maintenance: Street trees require regular maintenance, such as pruning and watering, to ensure they remain healthy and safe. This can be a significant cost for utility companies, municipalities and homeowners. Radical pruning is used to shape the street trees away from overhead electric power and communication lines.
- Allergies: Some people may have an allergic reaction to certain species of street trees, such as those that produce a lot of pollen.
- Invasive species: Some species of street trees can become invasive, meaning they can spread rapidly and compete with the native species. This can have a negative impact on local ecosystems and biodiversity.
- Canopy closure: Street trees can cause a canopy closure, blocking the sunlight and view, making the street darker and less attractive in the winter months. However, in our hot summer, the shade they provide brings a welcome relief from the heat of the day.
- Your car: Parking your car under a tree like this Hill’s Weeping Fig Ficus microcarpa hillii during certain seasons can be very messy. The fig has berries….. Lots of them. They attract possums, flying foxes and birds that feast on the berries and subsequently make a BIG mess on your car.
It’s important to consider these potential negative impacts when selecting, planting, and maintaining street trees. Proper tree selection, planning, and management can help to minimize these negative impacts and maximize the benefits of street trees.
Your article helped us a lot. We never thought of all those things. Thanks!