How to Keep Your Restaurant Clean
Simon from ‘Specc’ Restaurant in Clovelly, tells us how ‘Grease Release’ helps him easily keep his busy kitchen free of fats, oils and grease, leaving his kitchen surfaces clean enough to eat off. Grease Release also keeps the drains from the kitchen sink and floor drains that run to the restaurant grease trap flowing freely. It also keeps the grease trap easier to manage because Simon can clean up any greasy surfaces with cold water.
Our family eats at Specc regularly. Its vibrant atmosphere, fantastic location right near Clovelly Beach in Sydneys Eastern suburbs, and a menu that sets the tastebuds tingling, keep us coming back time and time again.
Check out Simon and Specc at
Plumbing Products – Bio-Clean and Vaprooter
Plumbing Products Have Come a Long Way: A Look at Some Products and Their Benefits
Sir John Harrington, the godson of Queen Elizabeth I made a new invention for his godmother: Sir John created the flush toilet and built it for his godmother. This all took place in 1596, according to history records.
Alexander Cummings obtained the first patent for a flushing toilet in 1775. Toilets started gaining popularity, and a city wide sewer system was constructed to handle the flow of refuse. As science advanced, it was recognised that poor sanitation caused diseases and in 1880 the officials of the day decided that toilets and sewer systems were not luxuries but priorities to control human waste and disease.
Jumping to modern day plumbing, the innovations and possibilities are endless when you have plumbing services like The Lone Drainer and Pronto, experts in the field of plumbing with 40 years combined experience. Any type of renovation, plumbing emergency or plumbing need can be taken care of with just one phone call to The Lone Drainer and Pronto.
Sewer lines brought whole new problems to society that had not been faced before. Many old trees had roots that sometimes stretched for a block. These roots invaded the sewer lines because the roots are attracted to the plumbing pipes where they find a constant source of moisture. Today there is a product that eliminates this problem for you. Vaporooter is 100% safe and has been used successfully for more than 40 years. Paying for repairs is much more expensive than using Vaporooter to prevent the problem in the first place. Vaporooter stops tree root blockage from occurring.
Are you tired of having plumbing problems where roots have crushed, cracked or blocked your sewer pipes? It gets very expensive trying to keep up with repairs. So call The Lone Drainer and Pronto plumbing services and get insurance on your drains with Vaporooter.
Older homes with older pipes can produce a foul odour, but there is a way to solve that problem. The plumbing services of The Lone Drainer and Pronto have a product that will solve this problem for you faster than you could have ever imagined. You will no longer have to be embarrassed about the odour coming out of your pipes when you use Bio-Clean. This environmentally friendly bacteria waste eliminator will get your pipes spotless and odour free. What a relief it will be to walk into your home and smell the cut flowers instead of sour old pipes!
Bio-Clean performs several functions such as cleaning out the hair in the drains and pipes, and dissolves paper and cotton without using toxic chemicals. This environmentally green solution to an ageless problem is safe, will clear most of the obstruction in the drains and pipes and will not damage your pipes and/or fittings. Bio-clean is friendly to your plumbing pipes and drains.
Just what is your peace of mind worth when the plumbing goes on the blink and the missus is upset because your drains are blocked? Call The Lone Drainer and Pronto, and keep the peace in your household with Vaporooter and Bio-Clean.
Plumbing Industry ‘Food Safe’ Cleaners
I am often asked how surfaces that need to be ‘food safe‘ e.g. in cafes, restaurants and any establishments that prepare or manufacture food products or meals, should be kept clean.
A colleague, Gavin Buckett, of The Gourmet Guardian is a food safety specialist and has this advice to offer.
In the food industry, most people are aware that bacteria in food can be dangerous. This is particularly so if the food is served by someone who hasn’t washed their hands or if the food has been stored at the wrong temperature. Equally as well known, is that no one wants to find a foreign object such as a Band-Aid, piece of metal or a cigarette butt, in their food.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is an internationally recognised preventative food management system, and ALL food safety hazards are categorised into only one of three different types.
The first example is called a microbiological hazard and is caused by one of three problems: the food hasn’t been handled, stored or transported properly.
The second example is called a physical hazard. That is any foreign object or extraneous matter that you would not normally expect to find in that particular food product.
The third type of hazard is called a chemical hazard and is often forgotten or disregarded. Chemical hazards are chemical substances that can cause poisoning or illness if they are not adequately removed or if excessive levels are present. We all use chemicals to clean, but did you know that if you use the wrong chemical or use a chemical incorrectly; what you are doing may be more dangerous than not washing your hands before handling food? Cleaning chemicals are vital in ensuring that dangerous bacteria is removed from our kitchens and food contact surfaces, but you must ensure that they are used correctly.
In a separate Blog Post I explain how “Chemicals can clean, but chemicals can kill”, but in short, you must ensure that if you are using a chemical in a kitchen or food processing area, that the chemical is “Food Safe”.
A Food Safe chemical is a chemical that:
- Is designed for use in the food industry
- Will not contaminate food or food products if used correctly
In Export Meat Establishments ALL chemicals that are used, must have been approved by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS). As a rule of thumb, I recommend to my clients to ONLY use chemicals that have been approved by AQIS, even if they aren’t export registered establishments. The cost of acquiring this approval is $200 and is valid for five years; so if a chemical supplier is not prepared to have the chemical registered then they can’t be serious about it’s suitability for use in the food industry. Once the chemical is approved, it must be used as it is intended to be used. Even if a chemical is deemed food safe, there are some chemicals that are not suitable to use on a food contact surface (such as a disinfectant or floor cleaner).
Always check on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) its:
- Intended use
- Correct dilution
- Any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that might be needed
- If it needs to air-dry OR be rinsed off after the exposure time
If the MSDS does not state that it is intended for use in food premises, then the chemical must not be used.